



Sponsorship Opportunities

ALGA has a wide range of sponsorship opportunities that are available from $60,000 down to $1,210. These include satchels, name badges, IT, satchel inserts, morning/afternoon tea or lunch. For further information about sponsorship contact Clare Hogan, Director National Events at ALGA on 02 6122 9436 or


We would like to thank the current sponsors of the 2016 NGA for their support






There are still spaces available for the 2016 National General Assembly Exhibition.


The National General Assembly of Local Government brings together over 850 conference participants representives of Australia's 559 councils. Local Government employs around 195,000 Australians (just over 10 per cent of the total public sector), owns and manages non-financial assets estimated at $245 billion (2007-08), raises around 3.5 per cent of Australia's total taxation revenue per annum and has an annual expenditure or around $29 billion (2010-11) which is just under 6 per cent of total public sector spending.


Click here for the Exhibition Kit which contains further details regarding the exhibition, including floor plan and booking form.


If you have any queries regarding the exhibition please contact Conference Co-ordinators.


The current exhibitors for the 2016 NGA are listed below:


Attorney-General's Department


Australian Bureau of Statistics


Australian Taxation Office


Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network




Bureau of Meteorology


Bosch Security Systems Pty Ltd


Campervan & Motorhome Club of Australia Limited


Clean Energy Finance Corporation


Department of Immigration and Border Protection


drumMUSTER/ Clemclear


Fairfax Media


Forest and Wood Products Australia


Garage Sale Trail


Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd


IAP2 Australasia


Japan Local Government Centre


Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd


Local Government Focus






Mobile Carriers Forum


National Health Co-op


Southern Star Contact Centres


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation


Tyrecycle Pty Ltd