Home / Our Services
We can tailor our services to handle one or all of the following tasks for your conference, exhibition or event.
Venue liaison
Printed and/or electronic promotional material
Distribution of conference brochures
Audio visual requirements
Accommodation negotiation
Website development
Large format design and printing
Travel arrangements
Delegate registration/conference secretariat
Financial administration
Conference catering and social functions
Themed dinners
Partners Tours, Pre and Post Conference Tours
Publicity and media assistance
Delegate satchels/promotional items/gifts
Name badges and tickets
On-site management
Exhibition stand contractors
Floor plans
Exhibition budget/financial reporting
Printed material
Distribution of exhibition brochures
Stand sales
Exhibition administration/secretariat
Financial administration
Co-ordination of exhibitor food and beverage
Name badges
Incentive schemes
On-site management
Specialty stand design
Sponsor liaison
Online registrations
Financial management
Accommodation bookings
Social functions bookings
Registration updates
Special diet management
Development/design of all your conference material
Event graphic design concepts
Co-ordinate printing services
Co-ordinate the design, typesetting, printing/production of conference material
Product concepts for large format printing
Work with external graphic designers
Social media designs
Virtual Platform Set Up
Speaker rehearsal and assistance
Virtual Platform content
Live support
Virtual networking
Face-to-face integration (hybrid event)
Platform branding
Attendee Registrations
Website Hosting & Design
Attendee Apps
Exhibition & Sponsorship Bookings
Abstract Submission & Reviewing
Virtual Event Portals
Develop responsive and eye catching EDM's
On-line abstract submission and review
Speaker liaison and program development
Poster sessions
Audio visual requirements
Travel and accommodation requirements